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from launches, to marketing, to schedules, to content, all using your own astrological cycles. 

Missed the 'Moonsight Reset Workshop? Watch it below. 

Click HERE to Download the Moonsight Reset Workbook
Click HERE to make a copy of the Mercury Cycles Spreadsheet.
Click HERE to make a copy of the Slides.
Create and plan your entire program launch, marketing plan, or content strategy using your astrology in as little as 3 hours... 
The Moonsight Planning Lab UNLIMITED PROGRAM
 (INcluding the moonsight launch 2.0 system)
Learn how to plan launches, marketing, and offers that sell effortlessly and amplify your productivity using your astrological chart as a map - without complicated astrological jargon, sleazy launch strategies, or turning yourself into a robot!
(Even if you have tried all-things-productivity, and felt like a complete failure.)
You get an intuitive hit, 
the most beautiful, brilliant...genius new idea of what you want to create in your biz....
you’re so excited you could jump up and down and scream! 

‘Yessssss, OOMMMGGGG, Why didn’t I think of this before??
Your family doesn’t really get this entrepreneurship thing, so you keep it to yourself mostly, besides you know what they’d say anyways "you always do this", or "isn't this like that thing you said you were going to do before?", you push the thoughts from your mind...they’re wrong, this is different, you just have this overwhelming feeling about it... “this is it, I know it in my bones, it’s the thing I’m supposed to be doing! It makes so much sense now!"
You grab your favorite notebook, you need to get this all out before you forget, you grip your pen and frantically brain vomit every single detail you can think of onto the page, you write so much your hand starts to cramp, but you don’t care...time seems to stand still, it’s all flowing out so effortlessly, you can’t stop. Your notes are a mess, you’ve even started to write up the side of the page, but you keep writing. One page turns to 3, 3 turns to five, everything is here... and then it just stops. You’re done. You lean back in your chair and breathe a deep sigh...’Where did that come from?' You glance at your phone, and it’s been nearly 45 minutes! Wow. You look back at your handful of pages and this immense sense of pride and accomplishment washes over you. This is SO good.
You know that if you don’t jump on it right away, you’re just going to lose your momentum, so you write out all the things you need to do...5 things becomes 10, becomes 20 and soon your entire page is filled with all the steps that need to happen to make this idea a reality. You get a sinking feeling in your stomach, this is huge. Can I even do this? You push the thought from your mind again...’Yes I can do was given to me for a reason.’ But where to begin..which step?

You decide to start by picking one thing, and promise yourself tomorrow you’re going to get working on it. You’ll have an early morning, and you’re going to do it right this time.

But the next day turns into 3 days later and you haven’t even looked at your notebook since begin to feel depressed, and berate yourself “You always do this!" you say...”Why can’t you get it together!? Maybe I’m just not cut out for this...”
And that brilliant idea falls to the wayside, never getting a chance to become even a fraction of what you knew it could be.

And the most tragic part about this never-ending story is that you think that you’re the problem.
72% of Entrepreneurs struggle with mental and emotional wellness and 49% have at least one mental illness (such as ADD, ADHD, Bi-polar Disorder, Depression or Anxiety). In Human Speak - We're Wired DIFFERENTLY.
Kids with ADHD are 4x more likely to be entrepreneurs as adults than Non-ADHD kids. We Thrive In DIFFERENT Conditions.
Many of the Top Entrepreneurs in the world such as Richard Branson founder of Virgin Airways, and David Neeleman founder and CEO of Jet Blue Airways have ADHD, or similar traits. Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA adapted the inner workings of his company to compensate for his ADHD and Dyslexia. In Order To Thrive We NEED To Work Within A DIFFERENT System.
Being an Entrepreneur Means You're Different...
In fact our kind only represent a small percentage of the population, 12.3% to be exact. We think, feel, work and process things completely different than the other 87.7% of the population.

Even If You Don't Have ADHD...
As an entrepreneur you share similar traits, it’s what makes us great at what we do - taking risks, making big decisions, hyper focusing on our passions, workhorses, quick learners, independent, and out-of-box thinkers, but also it makes us poor planners. (especially when we’re using the wrong system).

If 72% of entrepreneurs have ADHD or similar type tendencies, then wouldn’t it make sense that we also need a different system in which to be our most productive? In which to thrive? One that operates HOW WE THINK.
How many times have you experienced the following?
  • You wake up, make yourself a cup of coffee and eagerly sit down in front of your laptop. You’ve got this super exciting passion project you’ve been itching to work on for WEEKS, and now your calendar is clear and you have a few uninterrupted hours to work on it. Ahhh, Heaven! Just as you begin to write, you’re hit with this overwhelming feeling of sadness, like the energy has just been sucked out of you. Nothing is wrong or off to make you feel this way, but all of a sudden it feels like you’ve been sucker punched in the gut. You can’t seem to shake it. What’s going on?
  • You experience a productive streak! You’re on FIRE for a couple of days, getting stuff done like nobody’s business, you must be doing something right! Then *poof* the next day you wake up wanting nothing to do with your biz, finding yourself binge watching your favorite Netflix series instead of following through on what you were working on. What happened?
  • You realize that in order to create more time in your biz you need to start batching your content and create a funnel, this will save you hours of time during the week and bring you more passive consistent income. You commit to doing it, but then on the day that you’re to put it all together, you get sick and end up lying in bed all day. You never seem to have time to work in any self care. Is this how it’s always going to be?
  • You finally ‘get it together’ and write up an offer, it’s something your people have been asking you to do for ages, you’re so excited about it! They’re going to love this. You post it on Facebook, but it’s like no one has seen it...hours go by and you’ve only got one like, and no comments, you don’t understand...didn’t they say they wanted this?
  • You sit down to work on your biz, but you can’t seem to focus, every alert on your phone is distracting you, and you’ve spent 20 minutes trying to pick the right music. Ahh forget it. You go to start writing but then an idea pops into your head and you MUST research it, 30 minutes later you find yourself scrolling your Facebook feed, ughhh. You glance at the clock on your phone, “OMG, how is it 5:30 already??? You got absolutely nothing done! ‘Why does this always happen to me?' You think. Another day wasted.
If you found yourself nodding, and feeling upset with yourself reading this. I didn't write this to upset you. I wrote it because it is a story I've heard a hundred times, and know intimately. I have done every single one of these and more. No shame here. That's why I know this inside and out, it was me. For years.

What we don't realize when this is happening is that these experiences are ALL CONNECTED.
Identifying The REAL Problem, Once And For All.

The 3 Big Ugly Truths... (Unmasking The Wizard Behind The Curtain)...
No matter how much you learn, implement and're struggling (and it's not from not working hard enough, or wanting it enough)
It goes far deeper than the training, the techniques, the cash, or even getting your shit together...let's be real here..

There's an EPICALLY big part of the puzzle missing here - you feel it don't you?

We believe that the single cause of all of our struggles - is US!

But it couldn't be further from the truth.
It's Not 1, It's 3. Three Separate, But Equally Diabolical Things Are Sabotaging Us.

(Hint: None Of Them Are You.)
Big Ugly Truth #1: We're Wired Differently...
Countless Studies Have Been Performed from MIT to Harvard Business School, And All Found The Same Truth - The Entrepreneur Brain Is Different.
From how we make decisions, to which parts of our brain we use, and how we process information...our brains operate differently than a 'normal' brain.

How we organize the information we take in, how we process and manage our time, how we perceive challenges, and how we solve's all incredibly unique.

But one thing has been proven for certain, we can't expect our different brains to operate the way the average brain does.

When we do, we feel broken, struggle with confidence and ultimately sabotage our goals.
Problem #1 Unmasked: We have Different Brains With Different Needs.
Big Ugly Truth #2: The Calendar System We've Been Using Is Flawed...
The planning systems we've been using follow a rigid, linear format...
A - you set your goal
B - you work towards it, no matter what it takes,
C - You complete your project
D - you celebrate.

Except that's not how it actually happens does it?
(image credit: Unknown) 
We've Been Set Up To Fail.
Not a single one of those courses, planners, hacks or books takes into account that your energy and emotional levels fluctuate throughout the month and day to day. It's a Zero-Sum Game. And yet we've been holding ourselves to these stress-inducing soul-killing systems, that rob us of our energy, creativity, dreams and confidence. We've believed that the reason things aren't working, is because of US. That we are what's broken. But nothing could be further from the truth. 

The calendar system we've been using (which only happens to be a little over 400 years old!) operates only on linear energy, put anything else in the system (like a human being with changing energy and emotions) and it falls apart. We need a new system, one that not only allows for the fluctuations, but anticipates them.

We think multi-potentially, not linearly, you couldn’t think in a straight line if you tried, because your brain doesn’t work that way. So why do we use calendars and planning systems that do?

The linear planning system we’ve been using is broken, and it’s time for a new one. Or much rather, an ancient one, made new.
Problem #2 Unmasked: Our Calendar & Planning Systems Need An Upgrade.
Big Ugly Truth #3: The Moon Is Influencing Our Moods, Energy & Focus (Whether We Realize It Or Not)
The Moon Reflects Whatever It Passes Through...
The moon has been shown to influence everything from human and animal reproduction, fertility, menstruation, behaviour and sleep, our planting cycle, and the ocean's tides. The human body itself is made up of 60% water with the brain alone consisting of 73% water. Feeling connected to the moon and it's influence isn't only natural, it's biological.

Astrologically speaking, we all have the moon in our birth charts, influencing us in various areas of our lives. The Moon represents our inner emotional world, and changing mental and energy levels. It also happens to be the fastest moving astrological body, changing phase every 3.5 days and sign every 2.5 days, approximately.

So it is easy to see how we find our emotions, mental focus and energy levels changing so frequently. It's Not YOU, it's The MOON.

If it's powerful enough to influence our menstrual cycles, hormones and emotions every single month, it's powerful enough to shift how you feel throughout the day!

It only makes sense to use this information and apply it to our planning so that we can take advantage of it, instead of being caught off guard by it.
Problem #3 Unmasked: The Moon's Changes Influence Us All The Time.
Three Problems - One Solution.
Lunar Planning is An Ancient System Tens of Thousands of Years Old.
Without It Our Species Wouldn't Have Survived...

The engraved marks on the Blanchard bone. Courtesy Harvard University, Peabody Museum. Aurignacian Lunar Calendar / diagram, drawing after Marshack, A. 1970; Notation dans les Gravures du Paléolithique Supérieur, Bordeaux, Delmas / Don’s Maps
From ancient lunar astronomical calendars carved into animal bones 23k years ago, like this one pictured to the right, to the lunar calendars used by the Shang Dynasty in China, humans have been using the Moon to guide their planning for millienia. From planting crops to following herds, to calculating auspicious dates for marriage, the Moon has been our partner.

Lunar Calendars are the oldest and first calendars our species ever followed. A cyclical calendar that also matched with our own biology and chemical make up. If It has been used for tens of thousands of years, and is still very useful for us today, after all our biology hasn't changed all that much.
The Moonsight Lunar Planning System™ has Simply Modernized this Age-Old Time Management System Into An Easy-To-Follow & Repeatable Formula That Can Be Used In Your Business Over And Over Again.
The Eight Lunar Phases of Business
Using the Lunar Phases as a Compass for Business Planning and Decision Making:
Lunar Vs Adrenal Energy
In our online world the word "Hustle" becomes interchangeable with "Burn-Out"How often do you push yourself beyond your limits?
It's important to challenge our comfort zones, especially when we are bumping up against fears and belief systems. But when we do it at the cost of our heath and own needs...something is wrong

We're so used to operating from adrenal-energy, that the thought of doing it any other way feels foreign, and scary. But the truth is, working from our adrenals is killing us. 

We push ourselves, because we're afraid to stop and slow down. We know once we do, we may not want or be able to start again. Or we believe that if we don't push ourselves, we'd never feel motivated to do it. But the truth is, we are naturally motivated by what excites us, when we have a full cup and have met our own needs. 

We are all innately familiar with that adrenal push, and the feeling of exhaustion, it's why stimulants such as caffeine and sugar are so prevalent in our society, it's an artificial fuel to burn when our own reserves get tapped. But just like trying to power a gas car, with diesel, we're using the wrong fuel, and it's costing us our health and opportunities at sustainability. 
We can see here in this diagram, that lunar energy operates much differently, there are natural ebbs and flows, periods of introversion and times of extroversion and they are evenly spaced, so that we not only get stuff done, but we also fill our cup at the same time.
The Elements as Task Masters
The phases show us the journey and WHERE we are along the way, the elements show us WHAT tasks and activities are best aligned with our own energy.
Moonsight Planning Is Your Dismissal Notice...
  • Struggling figuring out what things to focus on in your biz and when - *dismissed*
  • Running yourself so ragged that you hit a wall and get sick - *dismissed*
  • Getting so distracted by your emotions, and fluctuating energy levels that you can’t focus on your work - *dismissed*
  • Brain fog, overwhelm, lack of focus, inconsistent daily routine - *dismissed*
  • Last-minute thrown-together launches that don’t yield enough, because you need *money* -*dismissed*
  • Not being able to plan your launches or schedule ahead of time because you don't know how you’ll be feeling that day...*dismissed* *dismissed* *DISMISSED*
Your planning isn’t just what you write in your calendar... many posts you schedule on Facebook, or how productive you were on Monday...

It’s your unique natural internal cyclical rhythm which is influenced by your personal and biological connection to the movement of the moon.

I call it your MoonType™. and while this may sound incredibly complex, it's actually FAR easier than what you've been doing.

The Moonsight Planning System™ is the first and ONLY system of it’s kind to help you accurately predict and work with these cycles so that you can become more productive, fulfilled, focused, and achieve more success by launching your offers during highly charged and prosperous astrological windows.

And when it’s paired with group coaching and support, rituals and intention setting, live planning sessions, and astrologically themed business training, it makes you unstoppable.
From The Biggest Vision, Down To the Smallest Task.
It Gives You Everything:
  • The 8 Lunar Cycles of Business, the process we move through every single lunar cycle, so that we can know how to work with the energy, and understand our inner calling and resistance, and how to turn it to our advantage.
  • The 4 lunar elements that hold the key to knowing exactly what tasks are best suited every single day of the month.
  • The 8 Phase Sales Journey your clients, followers, and prospects move through, that you need to meet through every step of your marketing, before they will connect and buy from you. This is critically tied to your brand story.
  • Live Astrology Labs to help you work with your own astrology intuitively, and without the jargon.  
  • The Moonsight Success Path to help guide you through all of the phases of working with the Moon.
  • The Lunar Launch Cycle - How to Set up your offers so that prospects are primed to buy before you even publish your sales page.
  • The Daily Actionable strategies using the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' On-the-Fly Dashboard Planner. Giving you a step-by-step approach so that you can stay hyper-focused, motivated and creating aligned content, offers and sales.
  • The one and only astrological and strategic planning you’ll ever need to structure your business from the inside out, so that you both can thrive.
Welcome To Your New Rhythm...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • Having Your Launches Mapped out 3, 6 even 12 Months In Advance.
  • Knowing your daily, weekly, and monthly productivity rhythm so that you are always doing the right things in your business for it’s continued growth?
  • Always feeling excited about your work, because you get to hang out in your creative zone of genius aka your moon juice, every single day?
Aligning my goals and schedule with the lunar cycles has been the single most powerful and simple change I've made in my only regret is that I didn't discover it sooner.
You're Not The Problem. The System You're Using Is Flawed.
It wasn't until I was about ready to give up on my business, because I simply couldn't keep up, and my to-do-list had turned into a never-gonna-get-done-list that I started to question whether 'I' was the actual problem.

What if the system was flawed? What if it was a system set up to always make you fail? And what if those of us who are more sensitive, intuitive, creative, and visionary simply cannot function let-alone thrive in these old out dated systems...
Hi, I'm Vanessa!
I'm a Astrological Planning Strategist, Psychic Business Coach, mom of four, and no stranger to the chaos of running an online business while navigating this crazy thing we call life. I've run various businesses along side a private coaching practice for the past 20 years, and let me tell you... I've tried (I'm a Virgo sun, can you tell?).

The truth is, if you've been in business for any length of time, you know the reality of running an online biz isn't always as glamorous as the internet marketers make it seem. I have yet to see a Piña Colada fit in a sippy cup, but I have tried 😉

For me it has meant juggling ten different tasks and projects, along side homework, sick kids (like this photo with me and my very tired passed out toddler) and lack of sleep. Add that to a never-ending to-do-list and any sane person is going to feel like they're a big giant epic failure.
It wasn't until 2016 that everything changed. Having tried all the systems and planners (which btw expect you to become an emotionless robot), and feeling about ready to give up, I accidentally stumbled upon the connection to the moon phases and emotions. I started to track my emotional and energetic fluctuations, to see if there was a pattern and oh my goodness after the end of the first month, everything made so. much. more. sense!

You mean my productivity home-run came to a screeching halt because the moon entered Cancer? Is that why I'm super emotional and can't even think of my business? And why I go into a cleaning frenzy when the moon enters Virgo?
All Of A Sudden What Felt Chaotic And Unpredictable, Became Plan-able.
It was a light bulb that went on, and hasn't shut off since. There was no longer a race against the clock. There was time. So much time. Time for promotion, batching, writing, creating content, resting, journaling, and replenishing. And not only was there time, my business began to thrive. Since then I have developed the Moonsight Lunar Planning System™, helped thousands of entrepreneurs plan out their businesses with the moon, taught courses on lunar planning and created eight planners, with the 2025 edition just landing on Amazon. 

Lunar Planning changed my life, and I know it can change yours too.
Lunar Planning Is The OLDEST Planning System On Earth.
And Now It's Just Gotten Easier To Use.
The time for feeling guilty for being gone for good.

Know Your Cycle

Plot Your Course

Plan with the Moon.
Moonsight Planning Lab is your Productivity Playground.
With Moonsight Unlimited, I will share with you the exact planning formula I use for all aspects of my online business...
From launches, sales, content creation, big vision planning, daily planning and rhythm, branding, marketing, the client journey, business structure, systems and foundations.

With Lunar Planning there is a Time and Place for everything. Time wasted guessing what to do when, or how to squeeze in self care *gone*

Every step of my planning and productivity system is broken down and revealed. I don’t believe in holding anything back, this is the entire cake. It uses a repeatable, simple system based on the 8 lunar phases.

This is a potent combination of energy and strategy. One that you can repeat consistently every single day and month, and you’ll have the monthly support to do so for the next year.
It's All Step By Step.
  • 1) Chart your shifts and changes
  • 2) Look at the upcoming moon transits (in totally easy to read format)
  • 3) Decide what you would like to launch, or what goals you’d like to achieve.
  • 4) Locate the Power Periods, and Set your dates.
  • 5) Break Down your steps/tasks by moon element.

And That's It! It Couldn't Get Any Simpler.
❎ No Stress.

No Confusion.

❎ No Overwhelm.

So You Can Get To Creating Your ✨ MAGIC ✨ and growing that BIG, Beautiful Business with ease (while also filling your own cup). When Mama's happy, everyone's happy ; )
Want To See For Yourself?
Watch the video below for a behind the scenes tour of what's included...
(Looking for the bonuses? They can be found here.)
Monthly Live Astrology LABS, Weekly Mooncasts, Quarterly & Monthly LIVE Planning Sessions,  Monthly Group Coaching Calls + Psychic Q+A's & An Incredible Community...
I've got your back. 
Live Astrology LABS (monthly)
Each month we host a live Astrology LAB where we take an intuitive journey through your chart, to help you uncover your own gifts, skills and AHAs. I have found this the fastest way to embody your own astrology without the jargon, or overwhelm. When you join you also get immediate access to all our previous Live LABS where we've broken down how to read your chart, interpret it's messages, work with personal transits and your Nodes (Purpose), and more!
Live Monthly & Quarterly Planning Sessions
Every Month & Quarter (3 Months) you will have access to the 2+ hour Live Group Quarterly Planning Sessions, where we will plan out your next 90 days! Get my eyes on your business and receive any support and insight you need to set yourself up for success and sell out your offers.
Mooncasts (Weekly)
Every month, we release 4 weeks worth of Mooncasts, available in video and  Written Report (reports average 12-15+ pages, giving you the play-by-play for the entire week of all astrological transits) hosted by Astrologer Kat Mason. The Mooncast will highlight the current lunar energies, how to work with it in your business, and how to prepare for the days ahead. From planning your social media, your marketing, batching your tasks and amplifying your productivity, you'll be light years ahead with these forecasts.


Your Path To a Sane, Productive & Fulfilling 2025 & Beyond.
Monthly Live Planning Sessions & Group Coaching and Psychic Q+A Hotseats to help you get clarity, connect with and support other lab members, celebrate your wins and get help when needed. Live Planning Calls are hosted on or near the New Moon, and Group Coaching & Psychic Hotseats are hosted on or near the Full Moon. To help you tune into your highly sensitive intuitive insights amplified by the Full Moon, and get massive clarity and support in your business so that you can get immediate and deep insight into your business as it grows and changes, as well as any help you need with your planning.
Consistent connection with other lab members in an private Facebook group, weekly discussions, opportunities to ask for feedback, have me check your launch dates, get support, share techniques, and buddy up for accountability.
Just because I love surprises! New guest experts, trainings and fun bonuses to be added along the way.
Don't know where to start? Don't worry, your path to the stars has already been laid out...
Each of these sections is broken down step-by-step inside the LAB, so you won't have to worry about figuring anything out. 
The 5 Phases of Your Journey
In this phase, you’re going to begin tracking your lunar energy levels, learn about the differences between the elements, phases and voids, and how they all work together, so that you can determine your mental, physical and emotional energy patterns through the lunar cycle. 

You’re In The ”Chart” Phase If…
  • You've experienced highs, lows and in-between periods in your energy, focus and productivity that change quickly but haven't yet determined their rhythm or pattern.
  • You struggle with maintaining your energy, staying motivated and consistent OR with burn out because you push yourself too much, and don't know how to find a middle ground.
  • You are looking to harness the cycles of the Moon and your own personal astrology to create more alignment in your business or personal life, and leverage your marketing or personal goal-setting cycles. 
  • ​You're ready to find a new way, that is more aligned with your own personal energy to achieve your goals, take care of yourself and grow a business. 
In this phase you're going to identify your MoonType™, unlock your astrological power periods, begin batching your tasks by lunar element to amplify your productivity and take advantage of your astrological rhythms, and begin working with your goals in phases.

You’re In The ”Identify” Phase If…
  • You've tracked your lunar energy for at least one lunar cycle and have some emotional, mental and energetic data to work with.
  • You have begun working with the phases, and are ready to dive more deeply into the elements as task masters. 
  • You've struggled with energy pacing, sometimes you're full throttle, or super excited about an idea but then lose momentum, or you are constantly on the go, taking too much on your plate, struggling with how to balance everything, or work in some downtime. When you do take down-time or 'time off' for life stuff, you feel guilty, or can't stop thinking about your business, or how behind you are. 
In this phase you're going to work with and learn your own astrology chart as it pertains to business, marketing, and planning. We'll be diving into your power periods more in depth, as well as the 8 lunar phases of marketing, astrological transits, planning with the houses and batching longer-term tasks over several lunar cycles. 

You’re In The ”Align” Phase If…
  • You have tracked your lunar energy for three moon cycles, and have data to work with. 
  • You have been batching your tasks by element, and planned out one lunar cycle ahead.
  • You know your Moontype™ and North & South Node placement. 
  • ​You've been planning with the themes of the New and Full Moon Cycle. 
In this phase, you’re going to work with the Moonsight Launch System™ 1.0 to map out your goals, market and sell your offers. We'll also deepen your understanding of your personal astrology, and how you create, share and market your material and to whom. 

You’re In The ”Promote” Phase If…
  • You've worked with and understand the 8 Lunar Phases of Marketing and have uncovered your Brand Messaging using the StoryBrand framework. 
  • You have a basic understanding of your chart, how to locate transits and houses.
  • You've been batching your tasks for projects and goals by element fairly consistently.
  • ​You've planned your goals out with phases and are now ready to plan your launches and longer-term marketing. 
In this phase, we'll be diving into astrological planning and marketing through longer astrological cycles, to create a consistent growth-oriented business where both you and your audience and clients are nurtured. We'll be scaling and personalizing your launches using the Moonsight Launch System™ 2.0 (Coming soon), and using the lunar-solar and eclipse cycles through your personal astrological chart. 

You’re In The ”Forecast” Phase If…
  • You've launched with the Moon, using the elements in your marketing.  
  • You've planned and tracked lunar and retrograde cycles for 3 months or more, and are ready to work with longer term cycles in your planning and marketing. 
  • You're ready to leverage your personal astrology to plan your marketing, launches, goals and offers more intimately.
  • You want to deepen your connection with the astrological cycles and embody them more in your planning and goal setting, and use them to further understand yourself and your business in a more profound way. 

Did you think that was all? Nah....

Because who doesn't love *MORE* bonuses?  

YEARLY Moonsight Business Planner Bundle
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
Printable PDF Copy
YEARLY Moonsight Digital Calendar DUO For Google Cal
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
1600+ Annual Transits Calendar with Full Summaries, all in the pocket of your hand.
Quarterly Live Planning Sessions
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
2+ Hours In Length To Plan
Your Launches, Offers, And Marketing
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan members ONLY. 
Track and work with the eclipse cycles. This program will walk you through how to use them in your business. 
($497 Value)
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
Ever wanted to tap into your own intuition (aka your Inner CEO) to make business decisions? In this 5-part video series I'll be sharing with you my 20+ years experience working as a business psychic and medium and my favorite techniques to leverage your own intuition in your business. 
($597 Value)
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
Get Instant-Access to the Vault, which includes trainings that will take the overwhelm out of astrology and have you using it intuitively. On average within 1 month our members are reading their own charts using our simple astrology method. 
($497 Value)
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
Full Video Trainings on all TEN launch blueprints that align with your natal chart, including the Classic Launch, The Healer's Launch, The Collaborative Launch, The Blueprint Launch & The Expert Launch, plus 5 others, all customized to YOUR goal.  PLUS Trello Boards, Mega Launch Workbook & Cosmic Launch Spreadsheet
($497 Value)
mars motivation program
Lifetime Access for UNLIMITED PLAN members ONLY. 
Did you know your Daily Productivity is Connected to a Larger 2-Year Cycle? And that outside of Mars Retrograde Our Focus and motivation are specifically targeted to a certain area of life for about 6-8 weeks? Now you can plan for it. Track your productivity cycles using your Natal Mars Transits. 
($197 Value)
return to the light program
Lifetime Access for UNLIMITED PLAN members ONLY. 
Map your lunar and solar returns every month and year, locate the best times for you each year to set goals and what themes you'll be working with each month. 
($997 Value)
YEARLY Cosmic planning extravaganza™ 2025...
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
Our Yearly Mega Planning Call where I take you through month-by-month the best launch and marketing dates of the year. 
($197 Value per year)
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
Claim your Social Media Matchmaker by the Stars and get the daily astro content writing tool customized by social media platform & astrological transit!
($997 Value)
LIFETIME ACCESS for Unlimited Plan or annual access for full/new moon members
This plug n' play calendar system will give you not only the lunar transits to your astrological houses, but it works in conjunction with Moonsight Digital Calendar Duo and Moonsight Launch 2.0 to give you a template to map out your launches, goals and plans for the year based on your own astrology. 
($197 Value)
the sacred mindset map workshop
Lifetime Access for all members. 
Use my 13 step system to uncovering any belief or fear that is holding you back in your work. 
($197 Value)
brand ascending program
Lifetime Access for Unlimited Plan Members ONLY. 
Ever wondered how your astrological chart determines your brand and messaging of your business? In this program I share with you how to read your chart and create a brand that sticks. (Coming Soon - Release date TBA) 
($397 Value)
Tuition credit towards MOONSIGHT™  certification programs
If you're considering getting certified in either the of the Moonsight Certified Practitioner or Certified Astrologer programs you receive $1000 tuition credit off your enrollment fees if your an Unlimited Member and $500 off if you're a new moon/full moon member.. 


  Why waste time trying to figure it all out yourself when you have the entire blueprint customized to your natal chart at your fingertips? Join the Moonsight Planning Lab UNLIMITED today.

And that's not all...It also includes...


(Let's get this party started! 🎉🎉🎉)

If you love the idea of planning your business by the Moon and have been dying to take your planning deeper...well Moonsight Launch 2.0™ is the digital calendar on steroids. It gives you all the planning goodness of the digital calendar and planner PLUS my exact Launch System, customized to your Chart that will make it even easier to map out your launches, marketing, offers and goals with more astrological precision (even if you don't really 'get' astrology). 

It's amazing to be able to predict and plan your next week, or even month, but what about your launches start to finish? It gives you everything from your best marketing periods, your personal astrological calendar,  your exact launch dates and fully mapped plan including where Moon will be influencing you the most, all based on YOUR natal chart. (aka - your astrological fingerprint) 

It's what the Magic 8 Ball never had the cahones to be. 

Mapping your Launching, Marketing, Productivity Cycles  & Schedules beyond a year, using longer cosmic transits & astrologically strategic blueprints that help you make consistent $.


Moonsight Launch 2.0 Program.
Full Video Trainings on all TEN launch blueprints that align with your natal chart, including the Classic Launch, The Healer's Launch, The Collaborative Launch, The Blueprint Launch & The Expert Launch, plus 5 others, all customized to YOUR goal.  


Moonsight Launch 2.0 Trello Boards (10)
Custom Trello Boards for each Launch Blueprint, breaking down the tasks and goals for each launch phase & videos on how to schedule the tasks in each board with your calendar so you have a workable launch plan complete with dates!


Launching Blueprint Mega Workbook
No more guessing what type of launch strategy you need and when. The Launching Blueprint Mega Workbook breaks down each launch type, including tips and strategies to make it more successful for you. Over 100 pages of Launch Planning Goodness in an easily accessible and readable PDF.


Cosmic Launch Spreadsheet Calculator
My classic launch planning spreadsheet calculator that I've used for my own launches to determine my pricing, launch goals, conversion rates and my budget for paid advertising. If you've found that your launch has underperformed in the past, this is an eye-opener that will help you get real numbers.
LIFETIME Access for Unlimited Members or 
1 Year Access For New & Full Moon Members.

A $497 Value, Yours FREE When You Join the Lab!

And That's Not All - Plus Access to the newly released - 

MOONSIGHT Social™...

(Social Media Content Brain Drain is Gonzo 🎉🎉🎉)

Drum Roll Please.....Durrrrrrrrr....🥁
4+ Years in the making, a social media system like no other. One that fits your business, content creation and marketing style like a cosmic glove.

The world's first and only astrological social media system. 

Built entirely off the foundation of your astrology chart. Find your social media matches by the stars. Unlock astrological timing for your content, launches, promotions, and list growth.

Access over 33 Social Media Astrological Templates, a full 365-day system for every major social media platform, guided by the stars. 

Immediate Access Available
Mapping your Social Media, Marketing, Productivity Cycles  & Schedules using cosmic transits & astrologically strategic blueprints that help you make consistent $ and get the right engagement at the right time.
Lifetime Access for Unlimited Members, 
1 Year Access For New & Full Moon Members 

A $997 Value, Yours FREE When You Join the Lab!

You wake up in the morning, not to a sense of dread, or from a restless night’s sleep spent worrying and beating yourself up, but to a completely mapped out week, filled with things you actually are looking forward to doing, all because you spent a few hours at the beginning of the month looking at the moon forecast.

As you sip your still-hot coffee you open your planner, and look at the current elements and your list of tasks...hmmm..a fire moon...yummmm...what should I work on first? You hum to yourself.

You dive in, and spend the day cranking out two sales pages, and dropping a couple selfies in your group, to get them excited....and are met with a stream of likes, hearts and comments! A smile washes over your face, and you realize that things haven’t felt this easy and good, in a long time.

You feel so on fire, this is your best work yet, your community already wants it and you haven’t even finished it yet. Tomorrow you’ll put together your email sequence, and share the sign up page, and then voila. Fini. You decide to take the rest of the day off, because you got more done today than you used to in weeks before you began lunar planning, and you know that tomorrow will be just as productive as it was today (another fire moon day!). You feel free, excited and lit up in your business..and you’ve already booked your massage for a couple days later, when the moon goes into water.

You have never been happier.
Now Picture This...
What if there was a system that allowed you to do this....plan for the days when you would be most productive, the most intuitive, the most creative, and the most practical - that could predict how you would feel energetically, emotionally, and mentally, days, weeks even months ahead of time... so that you could schedule those days to be aligned with what you needed most to thrive?
Lifetime offer - Last Time for Lifetime Deal good only until September 19th.
Works Even If...
Even if you’ve never been able to follow any sort of schedule...

Even if the thought of scheduling your time makes your chest tight, and want to run out of the room...

Even if you think scheduling your days or weeks would kill your creativity...

Even if you've bought all the planners, productivity apps, and time management systems only to feel like an epic failure...

Even if you are a productivity master, and simply looking for a way to tweak your schedule to make it better, easier or more efficient...
The Truth is this....
Moonsight Planning System™ is the ONLY system on the planet that makes you a ‘The Queen Bee of Productivity & Focus' in your business WITHOUT having to learn decades of astrology, or even a SINGLE astrological symbol.
It's time to stop settling for duct-tape & short fixes.
Are You Ready to Reclaim Your Time & Kick Subscriptions to the Curb? 
Last Time For Lifetime Offer - Three Days Only.
LAST TIME FOR LIFETIME - get it before it's gone for good. 
Regularly $1197 PER YEAR
Lifetime Access*
Personal Usage Licence
Moonsight Planning Lab - Lifetime Access (Est. $4985 Value)
Monthly Live Astrology LABS  - Lifetime Access (Est. $4000 Value)
Weekly Mooncast Reports - Lifetime Access (Est. $6000 Value)
Monthly New Moon Planning Calls - Lifetime Access 
(Est $6000 Value)
Yearly Moonsight Digital Calendar DUO For Google - Lifetime Access (Est $185 Value)
BONUS Mystic CEO™ Retreat  ($597 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Eclipse Rx Program ($497 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS: Return To the Light Program ($997 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Mars Motivation Program  ($197 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Sacred Mindset Map ($197 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: All Updates, programs and editions to the Lab - ($????? Value)
Monthly Full Moon Group Coaching + Psychic Q+A Calls - Lifetime Access (Est $6000 Value)
Private Facebook Community for Support
Yearly Moonsight PDF Planner Bundle (downloadable) - Lifetime Access (Est $400 Value)
BONUS: Quarterly Live Group Planning Sessions - Lifetime Access (Est $4000 Value)
BONUS: Moonsight Astrology 1.0- Access ($497 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS Moonsight Launch™ 2.0 Program ($597 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS Yearly Cosmic Planning Extravaganza Live Workshop - Lifetime Access (Est $485 Value)
BONUS Brand Ascending Program (Release TBA) 
($397 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Tuition Credit Towards Moonsight Certification Program - ($1000 Value)
Total Value $37,031
Or Click Here for the Annual Plan

*Lifetime Value & Access are estimated at approximately 5 years.
(the Lab is entering it's 6th year and we're just getting started, so we think we've made a pretty good guestimate : ) )

The Only Planning System Designed With You In Mind...
In fact it has been around longer than any of us, and without it our species wouldn’t have survived. It’s the Oldest Planning System in Existence. That makes it a force to be reckoned with.

And the best thing about this lab, is that you can’t make a mistake. This system, it becomes your system, like a cloak you wear, it’s so natural it feels like an extension of you, like a super hero shield. Deflecting anything that’s not for you.

This isn’t about turning you into a robot of productivity and focus, it’s simply about helping you tune into your natural flow so that you can start working with it, and planning for it. Lunar Planning means that ALL of your needs are addressed. By implementing a few simple steps into your business, and planning, you will experience immediate results.
Here’s What People Are Saying

More love for Moonsight Planning Lab

“I just had my first 6k month (was just making $600 a month a few months ago)!”
“I just had my first 6k month (was just making $600 a month a few months ago)!”
I joined the Moonsight Planning Lab™ because I was ready for my first 10k month. I was terrified of launching my program. What if I can't be consistent? What if my content was not in alignment with who I wanted to serve? As a mother of 11 with ADD I knew I had to use a system that left no room for failure. I just had my first 6k month(was just making $600 a month a few months ago)! The systems, support, and accountability I receive in the lab is incredible! My business is never exhausting and I'm never confused about what I'm supposed to do next. The best business investment I’ve ever made.
“I started posting on days that flow with my energy, I learned how to organize my tasks in cycles.”
“I started posting on days that flow with my energy, I learned how to organize my tasks in cycles.”
Before I joined Moonsight planning, my business was not making any good money. I had ideas, was confused and insecure about how to make the money I need. I needed guidance and the lab was exactly what I was looking for. I already work with the moon but didn't know how to use it for business planning. 

Once I started implementing the Moonsight planning everything changed for me. I started posting on days that flow with my energy, I learned how to organize my task in cycles. Finding out my ideal customer by looking into the houses, gave me relief and brought in opportunities for my business. 

Last April I made $400 teaching my online foraging course. I joined the lab in June and as of this month September 2020 I made $3095. 

I am very happy this is my biggest revenue since I started my business. I was Shocked and overjoyed when I checked my account and I saw $3095. It helped boost my confidence and reassured me that I'm on the right path. This is the only system that helped me make progress with my business. 
Journei bimwala
Journei bimwala
“ Vanessa helped me find the layer of truth in a jumble of conflicting and complicated emotions.”
“ Vanessa helped me find the layer of truth in a jumble of conflicting and complicated emotions.”
Vanessa possesses a special gift. Not the fortune telling, cliché kind of psychic but instead the kind that peers into your soul and helps uncover the truth that has been alluding you. She brings clarity and light through her work with deep compassion for your unique journey and yet is not afraid of speaking the truth. Vanessa helped me find the layer of truth in a jumble of conflicting and complicated emotions that released me to make some challenging and yet life giving and necessary changes. I fit better into my own skin because of Vanessa's insights into my life. I am forever grateful.
shelbe ogburn
shelbe ogburn
Let's face it...
The next 12 months are going to pass you by anyways...just like 2024 has nearly left us in its dust. Will you spend it going through the same-o-lame-o inconsistent techniques, and getting the same-o-lame-o inconsistent results?

Or will you grab your crown, and decide to step up on that throne and lead this thing?
Last Time for Lifetime - Three Days Only.
Regularly $1197 PER YEAR
Lifetime Access*
Personal Usage Licence
Moonsight Planning Lab - Lifetime Access (Est. $4985 Value)
Monthly Live Astrology LABS  - Lifetime Access (Est. $4000 Value)
Weekly Mooncast Reports - Lifetime Access (Est. $6000 Value)
Monthly New Moon Planning Calls - Lifetime Access 
(Est $6000 Value)
Yearly Moonsight Digital Calendar DUO For Google - Lifetime Access (Est $185 Value)
BONUS Mystic CEO™ Retreat  ($597 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Eclipse Rx Program ($497 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS: Return To the Light Program ($997 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Mars Motivation Program  ($197 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Sacred Mindset Map ($197 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: All Updates, programs and editions to the Lab - ($????? Value)
Monthly Full Moon Group Coaching + Psychic Q+A Calls - Lifetime Access (Est $6000 Value)
Private Facebook Community for Support
Yearly Moonsight PDF Planner Bundle (downloadable) - Lifetime Access (Est $400 Value)
BONUS: Quarterly Live Group Planning Sessions - Lifetime Access (Est $4000 Value)
BONUS: Moonsight Astrology 1.0- Access ($497 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS Moonsight Launch™ 2.0 Program ($597 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS Yearly Cosmic Planning Extravaganza Live Workshop - Lifetime Access (Est $485 Value)
BONUS Brand Ascending Program (Release TBA)
($397 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Tuition Credit Towards Moonsight Certification Program - ($1000 Value)
Total Value $37,031
Or Click Here for the Annual Plan

*Lifetime Value & Access are estimated at approximately 5 years.
(the Lab is entering it's 5th year and we're just getting started, so we think we've made a pretty good guestimate : ) )

Unlock $35,034 in instant savings. Never pay a subscription fee to access the Moonsight Planning Lab. Plus, get ongoing personal chart assessments and recommended planning dates.

A's To Your Q's
Can't I just take the planner and do this myself?
What is your refund policy? 
Is this just a bunch of basic business advice I can find anywhere?
How is this different from other coaching or business programs?
Is this for newbies or seasoned entrepreneurs/coaches/creatives?
What happens after I buy?
When is the start date of the program?
I struggle with understanding astrology, will I be able to work with this information if I'm a newbie?
I don't yet have a business/ I'm earning six-figures and I don't know how to take time off/ I'm an artist, creative, blogger, coach, therapist, (insert profession of choice here), will this work for me?
Does the Unlimited Program include physical/mailed copies of the Moonsight Planner?
How long will I have access to the Lab Trainings & Bonuses once I sign up?
What are the dates/times for the release of the Bonus content and upcoming Planning & Group Calls? I'm worried I may not be able to attend live.
What is a User-Licence? How can I use the information in my own business?
What's meant by lifetime access?
If I'm already a lab member, can I still sign up?
Is there a discount? 
From Scattered and Erratic in Her Business to Productive and Able to Plan Ahead...
Alicia was already using the Moonsight Planner and seeing amazing results, but she now knows how she interacts with the Moon and is using it to become more productive and give herself permission to rest when she needs it.
Now on a Radically Different Trajectory for this Year...
Lisa was stuck in an agonizing start stop loop in her business, of constant blame and shame. She went from trying to push her way through the week and to-do-list to now knowing her Power Days, and which Moons she works best under.
She Crafts her Blog Posts and Content by the Moon...
Stephanie is a Nurse Practitioner who uses the Moon's phases and elements to help her work with her own cycles and plan and create her content. It's put her more in touch with her own internal rhythm.
more & more love...
There is no product or service that I've engaged in my business that has provided as much ease, grace and results as learning to plan to the moon. It's another level of being seen and heard by the Universe, and we get to do it together in a lovely group, lead by a lovely leader, Vanessa. Since being in The Lab I've had my best month ever in my business, my best January ever in my business and have completely reorganized my offerings to be in alignment with my truest expression. I'm letting my essence and energy lead the way versus trying to figure it out with my head or hustle.
Before starting with Vanessa in the Lunar Planning lab, I felt like I was doing a pretty good job of listening to my intuition and developing a good flow for my business tasks. However, this did not help me with successful launches or dealing with unexpected life moments! Consequently, I would cycle through low and high moods, and "I don't wanna" feelings when it came time again to offer my programs to my community.

It turns out that certain moon phases and elements impact these feelings of resistance. After joining the Lunar Planning lab, I have a deeper appreciation for what I need in order to feel calm, collected, and confident for not just my business efforts but also my family dynamics.(I have been fascinated by how differently my children act than I do at certain phases!)

Now, I don't feel pressured to just "get it done". Instead, I look a few days ahead to see what is coming up, with full belief in knowing the right time is there for every business move. I am more intentional about the limited daytime hours I have to have a successful business, and sometimes even am finished with my most important steps before noon! I love this process so much that even my kids ask what element the moon is in! I can't wait to dive deeper into this process for a more relaxing and enjoyable summer with my family, instead of stressing about where my next client will come from.

Thank you, Vanessa, for putting a name to the a process I had started tapping into on my own, and now can master through the lab!
Jennifer Espinosa-Goswami,
Three Paths Diverged In A Wood...
Path no.1: You can decide to do nothing, and keep running after coaches, buying pretty notebooks, and planners, and hoping they will help you get more productive and organized...

Path no.2: You can try to work with all 8 Lunar Phases, elements & void moons, and it will probably work a lot better than what you have been doing, but something tells me that you want more than just ‘better’, right?

Or, you can decide that you’re ready to go all in - Path No.3: Get the ‘All Access Pass' to Moonsight Planning Lab and take your planning, productivity, and focus to the next level with the 8 lunar phases of business, the 4 lunar elements, The 8 Phase Sales Journey, and the Lunar Launch Cycle, and finally catapult your business to it’s rightful place in 2025.
Last Time for Lifetime - Three Days Only.
LAST TIME FOR LIFETIME - going, going...almost gone. 
Regularly $1197 PER YEAR
Lifetime Access*
Personal Usage Licence
Moonsight Planning Lab - Lifetime Access (Est. $4985 Value)
Monthly Live Astrology LABS  - Lifetime Access (Est. $4000 Value)
Weekly Mooncast Reports - Lifetime Access (Est. $6000 Value)
Monthly New Moon Planning Calls - Lifetime Access 
(Est $6000 Value)
Yearly Moonsight Digital Calendar DUO For Google - Lifetime Access (Est $185 Value)
BONUS Mystic CEO™ Retreat  ($597 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Eclipse Rx Program ($497 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS: Return To the Light Program ($997 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Mars Motivation Program  ($197 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Sacred Mindset Map ($197 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: All Updates, programs and editions to the Lab - ($????? Value)
Monthly Full Moon Group Coaching + Psychic Q+A Calls - Lifetime Access (Est $6000 Value)
Private Facebook Community for Support
Yearly Moonsight PDF Planner Bundle (downloadable) - Lifetime Access (Est $400 Value)
BONUS: Quarterly Live Group Planning Sessions - Lifetime Access (Est $4000 Value)
BONUS: Moonsight Astrology 1.0- Access ($497 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS Moonsight Launch™ 2.0 Program ($597 Value)- Lifetime Access
BONUS Yearly Cosmic Planning Extravaganza Live Workshop - Lifetime Access (Est $485 Value)
BONUS Brand Ascending Program (Release TBA)  
($397 Value) - Lifetime Access
BONUS: Tuition Credit Towards Moonsight Certification Program - ($1000 Value)
Total Value $37,031
Or Click Here for the Annual Plan

*Lifetime Value & Access are estimated at approximately 5 years.
(the Lab is entering it's 5th year and we're just getting started, so we think we've made a pretty good guestimate : ) )

“I am excited to be starting my 3rd year in the Moonsight Planning Lab.”
What can I say about Moonsight Planning Lab? Lots actually, but I will condense it. 
I am excited to be starting my 3rd year in the Moonsight Planning Lab. Why am I excited? Because I've been able to figure out how to make the Moon work for my business.

Connecting with Grandmother Moon and my menstrual cycle is already part of my spiritual practice, however, I no longer have a Moon Cycle to follow due to surgery. When I started with Vanessa's program, I was able to have a cycle that I can follow, but also be able to incorporate it into my business plan. 

Obviously, there are still some things that I need to follow the actual calendar for, but I can "batch" the tasks that I need to do for my business based on the energies of the moon. 
The other day I didn't "check-in" with the lunar calendar but found that I couldn't focus or concentrate on anything, and it wasn't something that I could put off. When I stopped and realized that we were in an air moon, I was able to give myself that pep talk that, "Hey, give yourself more time to get this task completed because it's not aligning right now.". It makes all the difference in the world. 
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This site and the products and services offered on this site is in no way sponsored, affiliated, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook™. Nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Facebook™.

You understand that you are providing your information to Coral Moon Media Ltd. and not to Facebook™. The information you provide will only be used by Coral Moon Media Ltd.

Lifetime Access is defined in the program above, is described as the lifetime of the Moonsight Planning Lab Program, and should not be considered the lifetime of a human or the lifetime of the internet. 

DISCLAIMER: For best results, think of this material as you would think of post-secondary education training:  apply yourself, get curious, and see what works in your business, and you may see great results – but none are promised or guaranteed. We’ve made every effort to represent accurately the products we offer and their potential. However, we and our materials make no guarantee of results, nor should you misinterpret our products’ names or any testimonials on this page to suggest you will grow your business by an amount, the materials provided may help you achieve strong results similar to those we’ve achieved using the same techniques. Where a testimonial suggests or states results of any kind, you should not expect the same results unless your business, efforts and resources are exactly as the testimonial-giver. We avoid forward-looking statements, but should you find one, it is intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Purchasing or subscribing to Moonsight Planning Lab or Moonsight Planning Lab Unlimited does not offer you or any entity the rights to reproduction, distribution or resale of any part of the program, of any kind. 

Any earnings or income statements or examples shown through our website are only estimates of what might be possible now or in the future. There can be no assurance as to any particular financial outcome based on the use of our website. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results.
I present testimonials and insights about other people’s experiences with my website for purposes of illustration only. The testimonials, examples, and photos used are of actual clients. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results; rather, these testimonials represent what is possible for illustrative purposes only.